Produkt polski
Angesehene Artikel
Gurt mit Haken – rostfrei.
ul. Myślenicka 4
32-031 Mogilany
mob: 888 424 007
mob: 888 880 044
Gurt mit Haken – rostfrei.
Nicht mehr lieferbar
Achtung: Letzte verfügbare Teile!
"Dieses Produkt ist nur zum Zweck der Reparatur eines Verbundprodukts gedacht, um sein ursprüngliches Aussehen wiederherzustellen. Der Verkäufer ist für keine andere Verwendung des Produkts verantwortlich. Originalteilenummern dienen nur zu Informationszwecken."
The Buyer declares that he acquires the Seller's Goods in the form of spare parts solely for the purpose of repairing the vehicle in order to restore it to its original form and undertakes to use these parts only for the purpose of repairing the vehicle in order to restore it to the original form ("repair clause").
In the event that the Seller doubts or obtains reliable information regarding the use of spare parts by the Buyer for a purpose other than the one indicated above, the Seller is entitled to refuse to perform the contract.
The Seller is not responsible for local regulations excluding the possibility of referring to the repairs or sale clause of the Goods outside the EU to countries that do not recognize the repair clause within the meaning of art. 110 of Council Regulation (EC) No. 6/2002 of 12 December 2001 on Community designs (Official Journal L 003, 05/01/2002 P. 0001 - 0024).
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